const originTableName = 'Attendance table';
const originViewName = 'Default view';
const originNameColumnName = 'Name';
const originDepartmentColumnName = 'Department';
const originDateColumnName = 'Date';
const originTimeColumnName = 'Attendance time';
const targetTableName = 'Statistics attendance';
const targetNameColumnName = 'Name';
const targetDepartmentColumnName = 'Department';
const targetDateColumnName = 'Date';
const targetStartTimeColumnName = 'Clock-In';
const targetEndTimeColumnName = 'Clock-Out';
const targetTable = base.getTableByName(targetTableName);
const table = base.getTableByName(originTableName);
const view = base.getViewByName(table, originViewName);
const rows = base.getRows(table, view);
// sort the rows in the table according to the date column;
rows.sort((row1, row2) => {
if (row1[originDateColumnName] < row2[originDateColumnName]) {
return -1;
} else if (row1[originDateColumnName] > row2[originDateColumnName]) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
group all rows via date and save them to groupedRows, the format
of the object is {'2020-09-01': [row, ...], '2020-09-02': [row, ...]}
const groupedRows = {};
rows.forEach((row) => {
const date = row[originDateColumnName];
if (!groupedRows[date]) {
groupedRows[date] = [];
const dateKeys = Object.keys(groupedRows);
// traverse all the groups in groupedRows
dateKeys.forEach((dateKey) => {
// get all attendance data of all members on the current date
const dateRows = groupedRows[dateKey];
const staffDateStatItem = {};
// traverse these rows of data and group by the name of the employee, get the clock-in and clock-out time of each employee that day, and save it to staffDateStatItem
// the format is { a1: {Name: 'a1', Date: '2020-09-01', Clock-In: '08:00', Clock-Out: '18:00'},... }
dateRows.forEach((row)=> {
const name = row[originNameColumnName];
if (!staffDateStatItem[name]) {
// Generate a new row based on the original row data, and add Clock-In and Clock-Out columns in the newly generated row
staffDateStatItem[name] = { [targetNameColumnName]: name, [targetDateColumnName]: row[originDateColumnName], [targetDepartmentColumnName]: row[originDepartmentColumnName], [targetEndTimeColumnName]: row[originTimeColumnName], [targetStartTimeColumnName]: row[originTimeColumnName]};
} else {
// when the column name of the row is repeated, compare the time, choose the largest one as the Clock-Out time, and the smallest one as the Clock-In time
const time = row[originTimeColumnName];
const staffItem = staffDateStatItem[name];
if (compareTime(staffItem[targetStartTimeColumnName], time)) {
staffItem[targetStartTimeColumnName] = time;
} else if (compareTime(time, staffItem[targetEndTimeColumnName])) {
staffItem[targetEndTimeColumnName] = time;
// write the attendance data of all employees on the current date into the table
Object.keys(staffDateStatItem).forEach((name) => {
base.addRow(targetTable, staffDateStatItem[name]);
// compare the size of two string format time
function compareTime(time1, time2) {
const t1 = time1.split(':');
const t2 = time2.split(':');
if (parseInt(t1[0]) > parseInt(t2[0])) {
return true;
} else if (parseInt(t1[0]) < parseInt(t2[0])) {
return false;
} else if (parseInt(t1[0]) == parseInt(t2[0])) {
if (parseInt(t1[1]) > parseInt(t2[1])) {
return true;
} else {
return false;