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In the script there may be some constants we need to know.


Column type, when insert/add columns, change column types, etc. need to be used

import { ColumnTypes } from 'seatable-api';

ColumnTypes.NUMBER              // number
ColumnTypes.TEXT                // text
ColumnTypes.LONG_TEXT           // long text
ColumnTypes.CHECKBOX            // checkbox
ColumnTypes.DATE                // date & time
ColumnTypes.SINGLE_SELECT       // single select
ColumnTypes.MULTIPLE_SELECT     // multiple
ColumnTypes.IMAGE               // image
ColumnTypes.FILE                // file
ColumnTypes.COLLABORATOR        // collaborator
ColumnTypes.LINK                // link to
ColumnTypes.FORMULA             // formula
ColumnTypes.CREATOR             // creator
ColumnTypes.CTIME               // create time
ColumnTypes.LAST_MODIFIER       // last modifier
ColumnTypes.MTIME               // modify time
ColumnTypes.GEOLOCATION         // geolocation
ColumnTypes.AUTO_NUMBER         // auto munber
ColumnTypes.URL                 // URL